Accepted Payment Methods: We currently accept payments through Mobile Money and Hubtel USSD for your convenience. These methods provide a secure and convenient mode of payment for your purchases.

Mobile Money Payments: Customers can complete transactions using various mobile money services. Our platform is compatible with major mobile money providers, ensuring a seamless payment experience.

Hubtel USSD: We also support payment through Hubtel USSD, allowing customers to make payments via their mobile devices quickly and securely.

Upcoming Payment Methods: We are actively working on integrating additional payment methods, such as credit card payments, to offer you more flexibility and convenience. Stay tuned for updates on these new payment options.

Security of Payment Methods: All transactions made through our accepted payment methods are encrypted and processed securely. We prioritize the protection of your financial information during transactions.

Customer Support for Payment Queries: Should you have any questions or encounter issues regarding payments or payment methods, our customer support team is available to assist you promptly.